Lacey Chabert Drops a Party of Two’s Worth of Cleavage in Beverly Hills

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bill-swift - October 23, 2012

Whether you first fell in love with Lacey Chabert while Lost in Space, or you have some Party of Five secret shame file stored away in the dark recesses of your mind better left untapped, there's no doubt at some point in the last many years that you've taken a gander at busty brunette Lacey and thought to yourself -- man, I'd love to see that chick nekkid on a bear skin rug in front of a fire in my desperately remote mountain retreat.

We don't get much chance to ever even see Lacey much anymore, so the ample opportunity to ogle her ample bosom in a cleavy dress in Beverly Hills over the weekend was more than blessed. Her ripe lady fruits barely contained in an orange dress, like an ad for Tropicana that would get us to buy many many gallons worth. Enjoy.

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