Kanye West Sued Over ‘Bound 2’ Sample

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Lex Jurgen - December 25, 2013

You ought to know better than to fuck with Yeezus around Christmas. This is the busiest time of the year for our rap Lord and Savior, when he allows the entire world to celebrate the birth of his mind blowing musical genius and transformative footwear. But Ricky Spicer is bugging Kanye, because he wants some cash for the man-god stealing his voice from a track he recorded at age twelve back in 1969. Kanye kind of plays Spicer's voice in his Bound 2 hit single. Now, Spicer's suing to make Kanye stop being such a thieving dick.

Mr. Spicer's voice is sampled exactly as he recorded it and his voice … is heard several times,

This kind of shit comes up all the time with tons of modern pop and R&B stars stealing music from previous generations and re-hashing it into new songs. The people they're ripping off are generally pretty broke so they can get away with throwing them a few bones to shut them up. I'd call it intellectual theft, but this is Kanye, so let's just go with stone cold jacked. Expect Ricky Spicer to ask for a bazillion dollars in royalty claims from Bound 2. Expect Kanye to counter with $500 and a blowjob from Kim. Or $550 if Spicer wants the all cash option.

Photo Credit: WENN

Tagged in: kanye west ,

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