‘Jurassic Park 4’ Now Has a Release Date and a Title, Just Like a Real Movie

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bill-swift - September 13, 2013

Did you even know they were making a Jurassic Park 4? Well, they are. Originally it was scheduled to be released some time in 2014. However, the powers that be over at Universal Pictures figured, hey, why release the film in 2014 when it could totally dominate the box office? Why not release it in the summer of 2015 so it can go up against Star Wars: Episode VII, Avengers 2, Superman vs. Batman, and, last and definitely least, Independence Day 2? So that's what they did. Universal Pictures pushed the release date back, and it's now set for June 12, 2015.

Of course, that's not all the news we have for you about JP4. We also now know that the official title is Jurassic World, as well as...

Actually, that's it. We don't know much more about the film, except that it is being directed by Colin Trevorrow (a relative newcomer who was behind the cult hit Safety Not Guaranteed) and produced by Steven Spielberg (duh).

Oh, and we also know that the film will be shot in—not converted to—3D.

So there you have it. Jurassic World. Let your imaginations run wild.

H/T – [EW]

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