Jessica Chastain and Sophie Turner Bring Sex Appeal to ‘Dark Phoenix’ UK Fan Event

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Mitch Jablonski - May 24, 2019

X-Men: Dark Phoenix will really and truly be the end of the X-Men's time away from Marvel Studios proper. The studio is set to relaunch the mutants as part of the MCU sometime in the future, and this tenth X-Men film—provided you count the three Wolverine films—will be the final go around for this cast.

Jessica Chastain and Sophie Turner, the film's female leads, were out for the Dark Phoenix UK Fan Event and with Jessica's cleavage and Sophie's bare midriff, these babes made this one fan event to remember. They were even joined by their male co-stars Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy, but who gives a shit about them? Sophie's belly button beckons us and Jessica's chest stains are sensational!

I doubt that Dark Phoenix will be any good. Apocalypse was embarrassingly bad for a franchise with its fair share of embarrassments. It probably would've been better had they just not released this thing theatrically. If nothing else, at least you can sneak in these pics of Jessica Chastain and Sophie Turner, maybe that can bring some life to this dud of a film.

Dark Phoenix hits theaters in North America on June 4.

Photos courtesy of Mega Agency

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