Is Super Mario Bros. 4 in the Works?

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bill-swift - April 14, 2012

While Mario and friends have starred in a plethora of video game titles throughout the years, most fans still recall the best Mario moments being around the early '90s with the classic 'Super Mario Bros.' series, the favorite being Super Mario Bros. 3 that was released back in 1990. When the game was released, it was an instant hit among Mario's current fanbase and was really the title that rocketed the Italian plumber to his legendary position as a household name that he still holds today. 

While Mario has taken a dive in the quality of his games as of late, gamers still eagerly await news of the newest addition to the long list of Mario games to date so naturally when word of a domain being registered by Nintendo titled '' surfaced back on April 3, rumors quickly spread of a long awaited sequel to Super Mario Bros. 3.

Current navigation of the site will simply redirect you to Nintendo's home page but hopes are high that the Japanese gaming giant has heard the cries of their fans and decided to take the next Mario title back to it's roots we fell in love with.

So what do you think?

Article By Travis Shuman
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