‘Hobbit’ Creator J.R.R. Tolkein Reads Poem in Elvish…Glad I Bought That Elven Rosetta Stone (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - September 13, 2012

Namárië is a poem first found in Fellowship of the Rings, written in Quenya, the language of the Elves. Unfortunately they didn't offer Quenya classes at my high school so I only took a few years of French and don't really know what J.R.R. Tolkein (or J. Tolk as I call him) is talking about in this recording.

Thankfully, an English translation is provided:

Ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind, 
long years numberless as the wings of trees! 
The years have passed like swift draughts 
of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West, 
beneath the blue vaults of Varda. 
wherein the stars tremble in the song of her voice, holy and queenly. 

Who now shall refill the cup for me? 

For now the Kindler, Varda, the Queen of the Stars, 
from Mount Everwhite has uplifted her hands like clouds, 
and all paths are drowned deep in shadow; 
and out of a grey country darkness lies on the foaming waves between us,
and mist covers the jewels of Calacirya for ever.
Now lost, lost to those from the East is Valimar!
Farewell! Maybe thou shalt find Valimar. 
Maybe even thou shalt find it. Farewell!

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