Gwyneth Paltrow Building a Castle

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josh-j - February 12, 2016

Gwyneth Paltrow is backing the construction of an exclusive London style Arts Club on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. Membership to the multistory hangout will be expensive and exclusive. To gain membership, you must be nominated by an existing member. Also, members must "have an interest in creative arts and sciences." So, Hollywood actors or beat poets with an extra twenty-five grand lying around. The regulations within the Arts Club will be stringent and classy. For instance, no swearing. Also, you can't talk about that rich billionaire who killed a dude with a helicopter that Paltrow fucked while married to Chris Martin.

There's nothing inherently wrong in being a snobby bitch. Not everybody wants to be universally adored. If you can afford to build a hi-rise club to literally look down upon people, you should be able to look down upon them. The dumpy, short-haired housewives across America who buy into the Paltrow's homemaker front can pretend she'd love your company on an outlet mall shopping afternoon. You're paying for the tower she's building to get away from you. I think I read this parable in my Goop bible.

Photo credit: Gwyneth Paltrow/Instagram

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