Gaming’s Whacked Out Week: Bomb Scare Caused by a Little Backyard ‘Call of Duty’

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bill-swift - March 8, 2014

Would you know a bomb if you saw one? In cartoons and such, they're hard to miss. It'll be conveniently labelled ‘TNT,' or be a thin red tube with a fuse dangling from the top. Then there's the quintessential bomb: that classic black ball-o'-death itself.

Sadly, though, the real world isn't so kind. When crazy-ass bombers want to get their explodinating on, they're a little more subtle than that. You never know what may have been rigged up to blow your gonads into the next State. As such, what in the name of holy hell were these dudes thinking?

Now, we've all played war in our youth. Of course we have. The gun-hands, the PEW PEW PEW, the melodramatic death cries... this is the magic of childhood, right here. But you probably didn't lovingly fashion a toy bomb convincing enough to make your neighbors shit their undercrackers at 3am.

The whole sorry story arose earlier this week.

Imitating Call of Duty, a band of misguided Pennsylvania kids made the prop (‘...a soda bottle wrapped in duct tape, albeit with a circuit board and some wires running up under the bottlecap,'Kotaku reports) and left it in the yard that night. What happened next is ridiculous, inevitable, and inevitably ridiculous.

We don't know why the neighbor was cruising about at 3am. Perhaps she's a cat burglar. Or a drunk. But if there's one thing she wasn't counting on stealing/drinking, it was AN EFFING BOMB. Thinking that this was a genuine explosive, one thing lead to another, the bomb squad arrived, evacuations ensued, explanations were given, and a whole lot of everyone's damn time was wasted.

There were no charges pressed, so all's well that ends dumbassily.

Via Kotaku.

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