Free Pizza for a Flash of T’tties

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bill-swift - September 20, 2013

Drew's Pizzeria was on to something, but they just did it all wrong. I mean, guys, if you're going to ask chicks to bare their chests, then you're going to have to give them something better than pizza.

Seriously, though. The pizza place recently held a promo where they gave away free pizza to girls who flash their chests. (On a side note, what about dudes who want some free pizza, too? Oh, wait, never mind, let's not go there...)

They skimped on class and overloaded on crass as they encouraged people to drop by and show their boobs. From their Twitter account:

FREE PIZZA#uiuc #DrewPizzaCU for the next pair of nips right now, ladies only!
WE WANT MORE T'TS!!!! #showusyourtits #uiuc FREE PIZZA.

They got a lot of flak for their pizza-for-t'ts campaign and eventually pulled the plug. Two words for Drew's: t'tty bar. That's where y'all need to go.

Tagged in: humor ,

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