‘Far Cry Primal’ Unleashes the Beast (By Setting a Freaking Bear On Fire)

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chris-littlechild - February 17, 2016

Far Cry Primal isn't effing about. This is one of Ubisoft's first heavy-hitters of 2016, and they want to hit the ground running. To that end, the hype train's speeding along and the PR department are busting out all kinds of crazy-ass to keep the game on our radars.

That spend-the-night-in-a-shit-stained-cave-to-promote-the-game competition was pretty inspired. You don't see that every day. They've also got this whole ‘trailer' thing down, too, showing that they have a badass concept for Far Cry and they aren't afraid to use it.

If you don't know what the deal is this time around, you play as a Stone Age hunter, tasked with expanding and honing your tribe into the most advanced crew of hairy-assed grunters around. This calls, natch, for a couple cans of savage prehistoric whupass to be opened along the way.

The Stone Age, after all, was a goddamn violent time. Not quite as bad as it could have been, though, as there are no dinosaurs to chew on your scrote at this point. This isn't Flintstones-style prehistory; they're all extinct by then, and there's nary a foot-powered car to be seen. There's still time for Ubisoft to give us one as DLC, though, and knowing those bastards they probably will.

Still, though, it's perils-amundo down Primal way. Check out the latest in-depth trailer to see what awaits:

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