Don’t Get Your Game On For Three Days Straight. You May Die

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chris-littlechild - May 27, 2014

As we know, over in the East, they take their gaming pretty ball-bustingly seriously. It's really the only region where ‘hardcore gamer' means any-effing-thing at all. And what it means is: crazy bastards having heart attacks in internet cafes after their 34th hour of playing.

You'd think there would be first-aid trained staff on hand. Or warning signs adorning the wall ("For the love of hell, at least get up for a pee every five hours. Do you want your eyeballs to melt and/or your legs to fall off?"). Or someone giving a shit about common sense. But you'd be wrong, wrong and thrice times wrong.

The sad tale of Xiao Qiang is even more sad-tastic because it's not uncommon. After a three-day gaming session (which is, we can all agree, one big ol' mofo of a session), Kotaku reports, he collapsed and was taken to Changsha's Hunan Brain Hospital. There, it was determined that Qiang,
" suffers from partial paralysis. Resident supervising doctor Xiong Zhiwei says that he can recover most motor function, but will have impaired speech and some mental difficulties."

Think on, gamers of the world. However much you love your MMOs and your Flappy-mothereffin'-Bird, know when enough is enough.

Via Kotaku.

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