Donald Trump Fired Khloe Kardashian For Valid Reasons

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jhanson - October 17, 2016

Now is a good time to be an anonymous source or have a cushy AP job. Who's checking the sources? Absolutely nobody but they'll be printed. You really sacrificed your integrity, AP Guy #37, here's a 4 percent raise. Anonymous people who worked on the set of The Apprentice and never had a problem with Trump's behavior until now have suddenly felt retroactively offended by his behavior. Not when they were kissing his ass for the weekly paycheck. According to an anonymous source who is probably made up, Trump said this about Khloe Kardashian when she was on his stupid reality show: 

"Why don’t we fire Khloé? She is a fat piglet. Why did we get the ugly Kardashian?"

Man this guy really hates women. Or he's just being honest and saying what everybody else in the world who is unfortunate enough to know who Khloe Kardashian is, is thinking. The reason Trump is popular with roughly half of the American public is because he's pushing back on censoring speech. He says things that are offensive, or that people pretend to be offended by. He's simultaneously a pathological liar and the most honest presidential candidate we've ever had. It's a shame he has to pander to the lowest common denominator, we could have had something here. Khloe is most certainly the ugliest Kardashian. When the only quality you advertise is your looks, and they suck, you're basically a zero. You also supposedly hired her. I'm with him.

Photo Credit: Instagram  

Tagged in: donald trump ,

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