DiCaprio Attacked by Environmentalists, How the Worm Turns

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Lex Jurgen - October 18, 2016

A Swiss rainforest charity has turned on Leonardo DiCaprio whose Wolf of Wall Street movie was funded in good part from money siphoned from a corrupt Malaysian financial fund currently under DoJ investigation. The 1MDB fund was supposed to turn the Malaysian capital into an economic hub but billions apparently have been embezzled into the pockets of the prime minister and his step-son, Riza Aziz, who produced DiCaprio's hit film. Donations from the same pool of dirty money were also made into DiCaprio's save the armadillos and stratosphere charity. Don't hate the elephants. They are the only innocents here.

If DiCaprio is unwilling to come clean, we ask him to step down as UN Messenger for Peace for climate change, because he simply lacks the credibility for such an important role.

Attacking a man right in his fake UN celebrity ambassadorship is dirty pool. The Swiss charity group also tossed in a couple private jet exhaust phony environmentalist jabs at DiCaprio, because, why not. Soft target. The group held a press conference across town in London from where DiCaprio was being honored for his film work and deciding which of Britain's five attractive women he would bang that evening. You know the answer is all five. The charity put a photo of DiCaprio on an empty chair at their press conference because Swiss people aren't super original.

This mess doesn't point out so much how mile wide and inch deep celebrity involvement is with most social and political causes. It does point out that people who have such a good thing going often can't help but be their own worst enemy. Either from ego or guilt, or both. The guy living in mansions and fucking lingerie models feels obliged to stick his neck out into international geopolitical circles. You have to know you're merely a ceremonial pretty boy. Who needs the headache? Write a fucking check while the finest woman in Hungary teabags your balls? As an example.

Bill Gates is eliminating malaria and saving millions of lives. There aren't enough black-tie banquets at the White House to catch up.

Photo credit: Splash News

Tagged in: leonardo dicaprio ,

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