Demi Lovato And Her Cleavage Attend The Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Latina Awards

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bill-swift - June 6, 2014

Singer Demi Lovato was all boobs and legs at the Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Latina Awards in New York City. Demi wore a short yellow dress with a PLUNGING neckline. There was all kinds of cleav action going on in the front of this dress. I have never heard of these awards, but she should win one for being fun and fearless enough to show off this much of her lovely knockers. The short skirt also gave us a spectacular view of her legs. The skirt barely went passed her naughty bits. I freely admit that I have sung along to some Demi Lovato songs in my car. I'm not ashamed. The girl has talent as well as being a bonafide hottie. Demi is one of very few modern girl singers that actually has some chops.

I wonder what makes a "Fun Fearless Latina"? Most of my Latina relatives are either fun or fearless but rarely both. Mostly they just like to gossip and watch telenovelas.

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