Crufts: Now With Video Games Dogs (Well, Kinda)

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chris-littlechild - January 9, 2016

Video games are a big effing deal in pop culture. Remember that survey of schoolchildren that concluded Mario was more recognisable worldwide than Mickey Mouse? Well, I do. It's not all that surprising, as Nintendo have done all they can to make gaming more mainstream.

This is why we live in a brave new world of pensioners getting their Wii Sports on, and preteen girls playing some touchscreen Barbie game or other on their DSs. Video games aren't just the refuge of lonely nerds who eat baked beans raw from the tin with the curtains drawn. Not any more.

Games are being recognised more and more. In completely nutty-ass ways, sometimes. Like dogs shows adding a ‘Top Video Game Dog' category out of freaking nowhere.

Oh yes indeed. As Kotaku reports, this is an actual category at the CWTV World Dog Awards. There are four nominees:

- Grand Theft Auto V's Chop

- Fallout 4's Dogmeat

- Metal Gear Solid V's D- Dog

Looking solid so far. Three of the biggest, ballbusting-est games of recent times, and the awesome dogs therein. It's the fourth nominee that lets the side down…

- Barbie and Her Sister's Puppy Rescue

I have no clue. Still, none of this makes too much sense, so why question anything? The contest is being broadcast January 14, and is obviously going to be essential viewing. Check out more details over at the Awards' website

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