Courtney Stodden Needs Ideas (VIDEO)

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Lex Jurgen - October 27, 2016


There's no such thing as bad publicity is not necessarily the complete code by which you want to live. It's more of a once in a while exception. Like liquor before beer. Something to remember when out for a big night. Not necessarily a daily breakfast admonition.

Courtney Stodden has completely run out of decent ideas. There was that one where she met a fifty-three-year old guy online when she was fifteen and he had network TV credits and SAG residuals baked-in. That got her ticket punched to Hollywood and decent SEO launch. It's been mostly downhill from there. Plastic enhancements, pretending to drop things in the street when cameras were around, evenings on the town outside establishments that forgot to put her name on the list.

Stodden threw down big with her livestreamed miscarriage and head shaving. Now it's back to naked costumery and cheap YouTube videos. You're not fifteen anymore, kid. It's time to consider teaching Sunday school. Send each of us a letter about you're latter day conversion and how you're working with kids and you'd appreciate if we'd remove all the garbage content of you from the past five years. Done and done. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Though not like this.

Photo Credit: Splash

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