Cosby Costume Deemed Offensive

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Lex Jurgen - November 3, 2015

Nicki Minaj and other responsible party trick or treaters took time away from looking like inflatable human fuck toys to criticize the inflatable raping Bill Cosby costume. If you set aside the feelings of a hundred rape victims for one evening, the costume itself is actually fucking hilarious. Nicki Minaj lamented the desensitized modern generation without any sort of irony or explanation by her business people as to where her money comes from. It's become an annual tradition for people who have robbed a kids holiday and turned it into a evening of tits and booze to draw the costume decency line in the sand. Dumb people will never be comfortable with satire. Still, slutty drunk chicks isn't a bad top level theme for a holiday. I'd let this one go.

Photo credit: Instagram

Tagged in: bill cosby ,

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