Chelsea Handler Birthday Present

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Lex Jurgen - March 24, 2016

Chelsea Handler took a naked shot of herself and posted into under the guise of a 40th birthday present for Reese Witherspoon. It's unclear what Witherspoon was supposed to do with the photo. After her husband refused to tribute it, she buried it beneath the stacks of cards she received from prison inmates. Handler continues to be popular to almost hundreds of thousands of women who enjoy white wine to the point that Chelsea Handler seems clever. She announced her upcoming Netflix talk show will be far more intimate than her previous talk show Chelsea Lately. That could mean her queen sidekicks actually fellating one another rather than blurting out canned Britney Spears jokes. Chelsea Handler will never go away. Brilliant egos don't shine in the wilderness. Ignore her and eventually you'll see her pussy. That is more stick than carrot.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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