Britney Spears’ Bikini Reveals She’s Not Pregnant, Just Fat

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bill-swift - May 19, 2008

With her recent weight gain, and Mel Gibson whisking her down to Costa Rica, many have been speculating that Britney Spears is pregnant again. But as you can see from these Britney Spears bikini pictures, she's just getting fatter. Her belly is definitely bigger, but those rolls of fat clearly show the only things causing that bump are burgers. Or Cheetos in Britney's case.

I don't even know why I'm posting all these Britney Spears bikini pictures, since they're the farthest thing from sexy I've seen in a long time, but you can't win 'em all. At any rate, there's lots more after the jump, if you've got the stomach for them.

And what the fuck is up with those Spears girls and their stupid ATVs?

Photo credit: Splash News

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