Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Wedding Rumours Continue

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bill-swift - January 5, 2006

There has been a lot of speculation lately about whether or not Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will actually be getting married, and if so when. Well, now the UK's Channel 4 thinks it could actually be rather soon.

It is believed that in order for Brad to adopt Angelina's two children Maddox and Zahara, he has to offer US courts assurance that he is planning on making an honest woman of his lover.

American courts take the issue of adopting children very seriously, and one source said that the process is more binding than marriage- you cannot divorce an adopted child.

Add to that all the pregnancy rumours of late, specifically those from News of the World, and it would seem that marriage for the two is merely a formality at this point.

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