Behold Vaginal PlopEgg Painting

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bill-swift - April 22, 2014

I continue my search for the best in stupid performance art with this "piece" by Swiss artist Milo Moire. She performed her latest weird art thing at an art festival in Frankfurt. It is called "PlopEgg Painting" because she...wait for birth to paint eggs on an empty canvas. By giving birth I mean that she's shoved a bunch of paint filled eggs in her hoo-haa and she pushes them out to create a Jackson Pollocky type splatter painting only more vaginal. The literature that inevitable comes with it states,

"The 'PlopEgg Painting'...releases a loose chain of thoughts -- about the creation fear, the symbolic strength of the casual and the creative power of the femininity. At the end of this almost meditative art birth performance the stained canvas is folded up, smoothed and unfolded to a symmetrically reflected picture, astonishingly coloured and full of [strength]."

Huh? Performance art can literally be anything. I can poop on a leaf and say I'm making a statement about environmentalism. This reminds me of the lady I reported on that created an art installation by knitting from skeins of yarn stuffed in her vagina. Ladies, no gynecologist is going to sign off on this. Think of your lady bits.

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