Behold The Wall Of Dongs

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bill-swift - May 26, 2014

Beautiful! from Peiqi SU on Vimeo.

First there was the Wall of Vaginas and now there is the Wall of Penises. A young man named Peiqi Su from NYU's Tisch school of the arts 3D printed a giant wall of wieners. But the peni don't just stand there standing still. Oh, no. They have image sensors in them that allow them to wiggle and dance. That's right. Su hooks up his iPod or whatever and plays Tchaikovsky's The Dance of The Sugarplum Fairy and the dongs flop around to the music. Why create an interactive wall of dildos? Su says,

"The penis is so different! This is my initial motivation, to study one of the oldest and probably the most attractive thing that humans interact with."

It's true that every weiner is different...I guess. I haven't seen very many. My own and a few at the gym. And porn. There are lots of different sizes, that's for sure.And then there is the whole cut and uncut Mazel-Tov factor. So, while it's not my thing I do appreciate that they flop around like worms on drugs.

Tagged in: humor ,

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