Batsh’t Nutty Insane Music Video–Just Watch It For the Jugs (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - March 26, 2013

This is a music video by Ilya Naishuller for Biting Elbow's single 'Bad Motherf'cker' and it's every bit as insane as the title suggests. I think you'll see how crazy it is just ten seconds in. All I can say is, if you get queasy easily and can't handle loads of blood and violence and gunfire, then you're better off skipping this video.

The clip moves along like a first-person shooter and involves a lot of action. This video wouldn't even be here if it weren't for the colossally amazing jugs you can spot at the 2:38 mark. So if you're just watching it for the jugs, as we suggested, then head on over to that point and feel free to pause until you have your heart's fill of some jiggly (albeit covered) melons. Enjoy!

Tagged in: humor , videos ,

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