Avril Lavigne is a Spitter

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bill-swift - September 29, 2006

You know, I've got to hand it to her, Avril Lavigne sure is embracing her Supermodel lifestyle. Case in point: when she's not doing sexy photoshoots, or attending movie premieres, she's being a complete drunken fool, and spitting on photographers.

Yes, I said spitting on photographers. According to TMZ, and the video evidence below, Avril enjoys getting drunk, saying "Fuck you" a lot, and, yes, spitting at photographers. In fact, this is the second time in two days that she's done so.

After celebrating her 22nd birthday at Hyde, the wannabe punk-rocker unleashed a torrent of "f*** yous" to the paparazzi and autograph seekers, even signing the pleasant greeting on some pictures.

Avril and her entourage then made their way to the safety of their SUV, where she rolled the window down and loaded up a liquid projectile in her mouth. Moments later, she displayed her masterful sharpspitting skills by hitting one photographer in the face while laughing hysterically and screaming, "bitch!"

This is the second night in a row Avril has used her saliva as a weapon against photographers. She hit our own cameraman's lens outside the very same nightclub late Tuesday night.

Classy girl, I know. I guess once she got her modelling license, she took the mandatory "how to be a raving lunatic bitch" courses they give. I hear "Diva Behaviour 101" is a breeze, but "The Aerodynamics of Cell Phone Hurling," and "The Proper Way to Get Coked Out of Your Skull" are a little tougher. Master classes include "Bolemia: Don't Worry, You Won't Need Your Teeth Anyway," "Runway Walking: Really Not as Hard as They Claim," and "Fierce: What the Fuck is That!?"

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