At Effing Last: ‘Crossy Road’ Explains Why the Chicken Crossed the Road

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chris-littlechild - December 11, 2014

Well, of course it did. Everyone's crossing the effing road right here, and you know what peer pressure's like. We've got a pig, a tortoise, a penguin, a wizard, Frankenstein's monster, Count goddamn Dracula, some freakish thing that resembles a mutated blue frog with a beard and shitty hat... In Crossy Road, anything and everything goes.

And where does it go? Over the darn road, that's where.

Now, many of us in the gametastic world like to make disparaging comments about mobile games. Oftentimes, they're just a colorful and vapid way to pass a minute or two while you're on the shitter, or pretending to work on that thing the boss has been waiting a week and a half for. But then this badass little mofo from the depths of the devil's ass arrives.

Crossy Road is Frogger for the modern age (not Frogger Returns; that was a terrible ballache if ever I've played one). You know the score: a small creature/legendary movie monster waits on one side of a busy highway. Your goal is simply to fandangle them over the asphalt without being crushed into spam by a careening SUV.

The game has already charmed Kotaku; check it out below and see if it's the kind of thing you can get on board with.

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