Anne Hathaway Talks About Depression and Anorexia to Sell Movie Tickets

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bill-swift - February 7, 2007

Listen, I'm all for celebrities talking about their personal problems in order to help raise awareness, or funding for various diseases and conditions, but when you open up about dealing with depression and anorexia for the sole purpose have having a nice pull-quote in the magazine interview promoting your new movie, well, that's different.

People is reporting that Anne Hathaway spoke to Tatler Magazine about her battle with depression and anorexia in her teen years, but said she overcame her troubles without the use of medication.

"I said to Mom the other day, 'Do you remember that girl? She has now gone, gone to sleep. She has said her piece and she is gone,'" Hathaway, 24, tells Britain's Tatler magazine. "But then I thought, 'I so remember her, only she is no longer part of me.'"

She continues, "I am sorry she was hurting for so long. It's all so negatively narcissistic to be so consumed with self."

Listen, that's great and all for Anne Hathaway. She's happy now, doing well, yay. but it all seems a bit disingenuous. Why can't actors ever be honest when they don't have something to promote?

Also, what is up with Anne talking about herself in the third person? Whatever, at least she's still pretty.

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