Jessica Simpson And Natalie Portman Smackdown

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Sam Robeson - December 6, 2018


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There's pretty much no way that anyone could convince me that Natalie Portman isn't a huge bitch, and I say that as a feminist. She thinks she's better than everyone because she sucked off Darren Aronofsky to play a self-absorbed anorexic nutjob in Black Swan. What a stretch for Natalie. Now she's shitting all over Jessica Simpson in the name of female solidarity. Portman chatted with USA Today about being a whore, and low key threw Jessica Simpson under the bus for no apparent reason:

I remember being a teenager, and there was Jessica Simpson on the cover of a magazine saying ‘I’m a virgin’ while wearing a bikini, and I was confused. Like, I don’t know what this is trying to tell me as a woman, as a girl.

Simpson - who mind you is worth about three times as much as Portman thanks to her highly successful poor people clothing line - responded to the off-the-cuff reference with a lengthy post, stating that she was "disappointed" in Natalie's words:



The woke Twatterverse immediately took Portman's side, defending her name-checking of Simpson as being collateral damage for the greater female good. She was slamming media's representation of women as a whole. Don't you get it? Simpson is just so plebian and insignificant to Portman that she's interchangeable with any dumb blonde slut covering magazines in the 2000's. Don't you get it? Wake up people. Portman then provided the very diplomatic apology:

Thank you for your words. I completely agree with you that a woman should be allowed to dress however she likes and behave however she likes and not be judged. I only meant to say I was confused — as a girl coming of age in the public eye around the same time — by the media's mixed messages about how girls and women were supposed to behave. I didn't mean to shame you and I'm sorry for any hurt my words may have caused. I have nothing but respect for your talent and your voice that you use to encourage and empower women all over the globe.

And I'm sorry you're such a fucking bitch Natalie. Guess we're all sorry today. People like Natalie Portman will never take people like Jessica Simpson seriously. Regardless of how much they claim to champion all women equally. Simpson was able to spin her persona into a billion-dollar clothing empire. Portman's Oscar-bait flop The Death and Life of John F. Donovan has a staggeringly low 7% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. How encouraging and empowering. Twat.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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