Paris Hilton is Handicapped

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bill-swift - June 9, 2006

We all know that celebrities feel this sense of entitlement, a feeling that they can do whatever they want, and no one will tell them otherwise. So it's not surprising that Paris Hilton parking in a handicapped spot would elicit criticisms about her being a spoiled celebrity, according to Life Style Extra.

Paris Hilton has been caught parking in a disabled bay.

The 'House of Wax' star has infuriated residents in the exclusive Los Angeles apartment complex where her boyfriend, American football player Matt Leinart, lives by repeatedly leaving her car in the same spot.

Paris' spokesman, Elliot Mintz, told America's New York Post newspaper: "I find the reports surprising."

But let's be fair people. Paris Hilton is retarded. So she needs the handicapped space. Let's not discriminate against those with special needs. That would be wrong.

Actually, I take that back. Paris Hilton is not retarded. That would be an insult to retarded people.

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