Miss Teen USA 2017 Sponsored By Naughty Lingerie Company

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Lex Jurgen - July 28, 2017

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Last year Miss Teen USA made the big female empowering move away from swimsuits and to the more modern fashion trend of athletic wear. That's code for yoga pants and sports bras. Not entirely outrageous as that revealing workout style has trickled down from Starbuck's moms to their daughters fairly quickly. Jeans were a pain. As were shirts.

The move to put 14 to 19 year old girls in tight cropped Spandex was filed under a modern young independent woman explanation.

“This decision reflects an important cultural shift we’re all celebrating that empowers women who lead active, purposeful lives and encourage those in their communities to do the same. Our hope is that this decision will help all of Miss Teen USA’s fans recognize these young women for the strong, inspiring individuals they are.”

Maybe a second rate platitude, but more appropriate than declaring an enhancement to the jailbait tug vault factor. Meow. Thought crimes.

Last year the Miss Teen pageant used Tap Out as their active wear clothing sponsor. This year, they moved to Yandy, a company that moves some lycra sports bras, but banks far more heavily on slutty fuck-me costumes. Yandy's line of g-strings, revealing lingerie, and other items to round out your late night Cinemax wardrobe rack peaks each year during Halloween sales. Score one for the male gaze. It still wins the pagan holidays.

Following some outrage from the last remaining people in the nation who don't think teen girls should be overtly sexualized, Yandy modified their linked Miss Teen USA landing page to exclude their 'come hither' teen girl video and omit nav bar links to their erotic clothing options. Also, a statement from the Yandy CEO Thom Brodeur-Kazanjian that I dare you to read and nod like it makes sense:

“Something I’ve always found perplexing is the polarization of the topic of women’s empowerment and women’s sexuality or even the mere expression of the latter. Are we to assume that sexy women aren’t empowered? Is it true that empowered women aren’t sexy? We don’t think so.”

Thanks, Mr. Brodeur-Kazanjian. Armenian crotchless panties kings always put the social stigma of female sexuality into perspective. Though if you replace the word "women" in your quote with "high school girls", it becomes far less popular outside of certain 4Chan threads.

You can watch the Miss Teen USA pageant on Facebook. Though if you share any Yandy active wear competition photos, you will lose your account for violating community standards.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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