Lindsay Lohan is Moving to London

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bill-swift - May 30, 2006

Well, well. It looks like Lindsay Lohan's latest love is taking her across the pond, to The U.K., and London specifically. Yes, Lindsay is planning a move to the British capital to spend more time with Model/Musician/Skeazy Guy, Jamie Burke, the former boyfriend of Kate Moss, reveals.

Lindsay Lohan's plans to spend the summer in England have taken on a little urgency--she's fallen for a London boy.

The actress/singer admits she's on the lookout for a London suite to add to her luxury hotel homes--so she can court in the English capital.

She let slip about her romantic intentions during a recent chat with Interview magazine editor Ingrid Sischy, confessing, "I want to get a place in London. I kind of like a boy in London."

The Mean Girls star currently spends much of her time in a suite at Los Angeles' Chateau Marmont and New York's Mercer Hotel, where she shares a room with designer Marc Jacobs.

So what does this all mean in the grand scheme of things? Well, not much really, but I suppose we will have a lot more Lindsay Lohan car crash stories, since they drive on the other side of the street over there, and I don't see Lindsay as one for taking the Tube.

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