Jessica Biel Is Kissing Girls

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bill-swift - August 14, 2006

So you know how there are always those few really hot girls at the club who think it's fun to get all the guys attention by grinding on each other, and even kissing each other? Well now imagine that's Jessica Biel. It's okay, I'll wait...

All set? Good. Anyway, that's the story. According to The New York Daily News' Gatecrasher, Jessica Biel was partying with some gal pals, and laid a big wet one on one of her friends.

Beautiful Jessica Biel turned heads with a night out at the Lotus nightclub on Thursday.

One partygoer tells us she got carried away enough to plant a big old smooch on an attractive female companion.

Despite the vehement insistence of our source, Biel's publicist, who was with her in the club, denies such a lip lock took place.

Biel's party enjoyed Grey Goose and soda, and the club sent over a round of complimentary watermelon shots around 2:30 a.m. (And sadly, yes, you do have to be Jessica Biel to look good downing a complimentary watermelon shot.)

The actress, who is Esquire magazine's reigning "sexiest woman alive," will host the polo in Bridgehampton today, sponsored by Molasses Reef.

Due to the lack of any pictures of Jessica Biel kissing girls, here she is looking very nice at the above mentioned Polo event. But let me tell you, even the way she's holding that Polo mallet is giving me dirty thoughts. Then again, anything Jessica Biel does would give me dirty thoughts.

And check out lots more Jessica Biel pictures after the jump.

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